EUROLAB Grants for Individual Researchers, Cologne, Germany
Rok za prijavu: 15.12.2012.
Kontakt institucija: | GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences |
Razina studija: | kraći studijski program, program profesionalnog usavršavanja |
Područje studija: | društvene znanosti |
Mjesto studija: | Njemačka |
EUROLAB Grants for Individual Researchers, Cologne, Germany
The EUROLAB at the GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Cologne (formerly Central Archive for Empirical Social Research at the University of Cologne – ZA) is a European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research established in 1996 by Dr. h.c. Ekkehard Mochmann as access facility to the data in the archive holdings from all fields of empirical social research.
EUROLAB is a research infrastructure for comparative social research, which offers on-site services to the scientific community. EUROLAB supports research projects with a comparative focus based on quantitative research methodology, facilitates research collaboration in comparative social research, fosters research networks and organizes symposia on relevant topics of social science research.
From January 1st in 2011 the EUROLAB offers support for individual researchers and research groups who want to work at the EUROLAB in Cologne, e.g. during sabbaticals or research fellowships, or within specific research projects.
Successful candidates will have:
- access to the more than 5.000 data sets and data collections at GESIS
- technical and research support
- individual working place with PC including a comprehensive program library for statistical analyses with most recent software releases
- access to related publications based on these data bases via information systems in the GESIS Library with about 20.000 volumes and more than 140 continuously held national and international social science journals
Furthermore, visitors can access facilities at the University of Cologne such as libraries, the university restaurant (Mensa) and shopping facilities.
Individual researchers may apply for support to access the EUROLAB for max. one month between April and June 2013. GESIS covers travel costs (economy class, up to 500 Euro) and accommodation. The current call for applications closes on December 15th, 2012.
What is provided?
- On-site access to resources in comparative social research (survey data, including data with restricted access, library specialized on research methodology, statistical software)
- Methodological and substantive advice on research topic
- Practical and logistic support, partly financial support
How to apply
If you want to work at the EUROLAB, please complete the application form and send it by e-mail to An international selection panel will evaluate the applications on a competitive basis. The applications will be assessed depending on the on scientific merit. Applicants will be informed about the evaluation outcome within one month after the deadline. Please note that you have to apply by December 15th, 2012. A report on main achievements during the visit is expected to be delivered by the researcher upon departure.
Application form (94 kb)