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Greek Government Scholarships for International Students in Greece

Rok za prijavu: 29.04.2014.

Kontakt institucija: Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
Razina studija: preddiplomski studij, diplomski studij
Područje studija: nije definirano
Mjesto studija: Grčka


Greek Government Scholarships for International Students in Greece


Applications are invited for Greek Government scholarships available for foreign citizens. Up to 55 Greek Government Scholarships will be awarded (scholarship granted per country will vary). Scholarships will be awarded for undergraduate or postgraduate studies in Superior Educational Institutes or a research project in Superior Educational Institutes or Research Centers of Greece in the academic year 2014-2015 as well as a summer seminar in Greek Language and Culture for the summer of the year 2014. Application should be submitted till April 30th, 2014.

Study Subject (s): Scholarships are awarded to study any one of the courses available at Superior Educational Institutes or Research Centers of Greece. Scholarships are also available to attend summer seminar in Greek Language and Culture for the summer of the year 2014.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for undergraduate or postgraduate studies in Superior Educational Institutes or a research project in Superior Educational Institutes or Research Centers of Greece in the academic year 2014-2015 as well as a summer seminar in Greek Language and Culture for the summer of the year 2014.

Eligibility: The candidates, who have already received a scholarship from the Greek Government in the context of the Bilateral Educational Programme, are not entitled to apply for a new scholarship.
Age Limit
-In case of undergraduate studies, admissible are candidates who were born after 1.1.1988.
-In case of postgraduate studies/research or summer seminar, admissible are candidates who were born after 01.01.1973.
The candidates for postgraduate studies in Greece will have:
-To imperatively speak the Greek language (unless the postgraduate programme is being taught in English) and to have been admitted in a postgraduate programme of studies.
-The candidates for research will have to speak the Greek or the English or the French language to a satisfactory level.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Students of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Israel, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Mexico, South Korea, Norway, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Czech can apply for these Greek Government scholarships.

Scholarship Description: Greek Government call for the scholarships granted by the Ministry of Education and Religions to foreign citizens who wish to make undergraduate or postgraduate studies in Superior Educational Institutes of our country or a research project in Superior Educational Institutes or Research Centers of our country, in the academic year 2014-2015 as well as a summer seminar in Greek Language and Culture for the summer of the year 2014.

Number of award(s): 55 Greek Government Scholarships will be awarded (scholarship granted per country will vary).

Duration of award(s):
-Postgraduate studies: The scholars can make use of the scholarship, only for the period of the academic year which the scholarship is being granted for. The above scholarships are not allowed to be renewed for a period longer than one (1) year in case of postgraduate studies and two (2) years in case they concern award of a doctorate diploma.
-Undergraduate studies: For the scholars who are going to make a full cycle of undergraduate studies in Greece, it is justified the grant of a scholarship, initially for one (1) academic year, in order to attend Greek language courses. In case of failure in the examinations, the scholarship is interrupted. In case of success in the examinations, a scholarship is granted for a full cycle of undergraduate studies which will be renewed every year.
-summer seminar in Greek Language and Culture: The place and the time of the seminar will be notified by April 30th, 2014.

What does it cover? Financial Allowances for the undergraduate and postgraduate scholars
a) Monthly Allowance:
-400 euro for the scholars in undergraduate studies and
-450 euro for the scholars in postgraduate studies or research
b) A Lump Sum Allowance for settlement expenses:
-500 euro for those who will be settled in Athens
550 euro for those who will be settled in the countryside
The scholars whose scholarship is being renewed are not entitled to such amount.
c) A Lump Sum Allowance of €150 annually for the coverage of travelling expenses to the inland country for the postgraduate students or the researchers who are obliged to move out of the place of their residence in order to perform the approved by our Service Research Programme and on the condition there is a reasoned recommendation by the supervisor Professor.
d) Release of the tuition fees only for undergraduate studies.
e)It is explained that the scholars for postgraduate studies or research, in case they wish to attend also course of Greek Language, are not released of the tuition fees. Further, they must select the postgraduate programmes offered at no charge. In case their choice is not found among the free programmes, they will have to cover the tuition fees on their own.
f) Gratis medical treatment in case of emergency only at State Hospitals.
-summer seminar in Greek Language and Culture: The scholarship covers all expenses (tuition fees, residence, nutrition of the scholars, their participation in cultural events) except for their travelling expenses to and from the country which are undertaken by the scholars themselves or their country

Notification: They will notify the competent authorities, of the decision of the scholarships’ approval of the nominated persons, the latest by May 31st, 2014, for the summer seminars and by June 30th, 2014 for undergraduate and postgraduate studies (on the condition the candidates’ files are complete).

How to Apply: Applicants should apply by post. The parties interested will have to address themselves to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Education of their country of origin, which are the competent agencies for the collection of the candidates’ applications for the Bilateral Educational Agreements, the selection of the proposed candidates and the promotion of these files to our service.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is April 30th, 2014. Nevertheless, it should be noted that each country determines by itself, the deadlines for the submission of the applications which do not coincide with the final deadline of the files’ forwarding to Greece and the parties concerned have to address themselves to the services of their country in order to file the applications.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application





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