Graduate Research Fellowship at University of Utah
Rok za prijavu: 18.01.2013.
Kontakt institucija: | University of Utah, USA |
Razina studija: | diplomski studij, poslijediplomski studij |
Područje studija: | nije definirano |
Mjesto studija: | Sjedinjene Američke Države |
University of Utah Graduate School
Eligibility & Support
The Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) is a one-year, non-renewable award. All fulltime graduate students working toward a Ph.D. or the other terminal graduate degree in their department are eligible to apply. In order for an awardee to accept the GRF, s/he must satisfactorily have passed all preliminary and qualifying examinations prior to Fall Semester 2013. Fellows are expected to be engaged in full-time research or creative work during the academic year of the fellowship. Both domestic and international graduate students are eligible to apply.
The intent of the GRF is to provide the opportunity for full-time research during the fellow’s academic year. A Graduate Research Fellowship may not be held concurrently with any other University of Utah funded fellowship. If a department’s graduate student support level is greater than the GRF stipend, subject to the approval from the home department and dean of the Graduate School, fellows may work up to 10 hours weekly as a teaching, research, or graduate assistant (equivalent to 0.25 FTE). It is expected that recipients will not accept other employment.
Recipients of the Graduate Research Fellowship receive a $15,000 stipend for the regular academic year, are eligible to participate in the Graduate Student Subsidized Health Insurance Program, and have tuition paid through the Graduate Tuition Benefit Program (TBP) subject to TBP policies (including term limits). For TBP requirements and restrictions, see the Tuition Benefit Guidelines available from the Graduate School, the student’s home department or online at
Departments may submit a maximum of two proposals. For departments with more than one applicant, the chair must rank the proposals on a separate sheet of paper and explicitly comment on their relative quality.
Completed original applications are due in the Graduate School, 302 Park Building on or before Friday, January 18, 2013. A PDF version of the completed application should also be submitted by the deadline to
Selection Process & Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed and awardees selected by a committee of University of Utah faculty members active in research and/or creative work from across the campus. The selection committee is chaired by the Dean of the Graduate School and ten faculty appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School.
The committee bases its selection on the following:
- Quality/impact of the research or creative project;
- Candidate’s achievements (published papers, conference presentations, etc.)
- Candidate’s potential for success; i.e., academic excellence (assessed by academic record and references).
In one large envelope each applicant must provide an original and 1 copy of the following materials:
1. A letter from the department chair nominating the student and laying out an argument for the award. Particular emphasis should be placed on evidence of the student's high potential for achievement in research or creative work. The statement should direct the reader to the location of this evidence in the student's proposal and/or record of graduate study.
2. The chair must provide (a) a statement of the department’s standards of rigor that the selection committee can refer to in its deliberations, and (b) a statement of the student’s potential for future success appropriate to the discipline. If the department has more than one applicant, on a separate page the chair must rank the proposals and explicitly comment on their relative quality. Departments may submit only two proposals annually. A description of the research or creative project the student intends to undertake. The student should include in his/her research proposal:
- Purpose of the project;
- Essential features of the methodology, including analytical and/or creative methods;
- Hypotheses or projected results (if appropriate to the methodology);
- Potential impact, value, importance of the research or creative project;
- The proposal should be 3, but not more than four 4, single-spaced pages in length (no appendices) using a 12-pt. font with one-inch margins. Proposals must be written so their meaning is clear to faculty outside the student's particular discipline.
4. An official University of Utah transcript.
5. Two letters of recommendation (refer to the Check List).
6. Student's vita or resume.
Application Check List (231 kb)